If you've wanted dreadlocks for years and have decided that you only want really good dreadlocks, but you can't afford it, then this could be perfect for you! You can get 50% off our usual prices for new dreadlocks by being one of our dread creation models!
You will get top quality, all natural, neat, tight, divine hand & hook dreadlocks for half the price IF YOU FIT OUR CRITERIA to be a dreadlock creation model for one of our professional Natural Loctician Live Courses.
WE run 4 of these each year so feel free to fill out this form anytime and if the next course model position is filled then you can always be selected for a future course.
AT Divine Dreadlocks we offer professional training in dreadlocking that teaches people with some or no prior experience to become great Natural Dread Locticians. In the live
training students get to learn on real clients so that they complete their certification feeling 100% confident they can do the job!
All our dreadlock models must agree to the terms and conditions and allow students to create their dreads.
All sectioning and dread creation work will be begun and thoroughly checked by Em to ensure they reach a high standard. Models must realise that the standard will not be quite as high as when Em
is to create their dreads alone.
If you are interested and you don't have long hair or a lot of hair (see photo examples below) read on to see if you fit the criteria to get awesome half price professional natural
**The reason we don't take on people with a lot of hair or long hair for the dreadlock model position is because students have 6 hours to ideally complete the job of a full or partial head of
dreads. So Em careful selects people with hair that she feels can be completed in a day.
If you fit the above criteria to be a Dreadlock model at Divine Dreadlocks Training, and wish to apply to get half priced dreadlocks, please fill out the form below and email Em the following 4 mugshots: